Friday, July 28, 2006


JR over at The Texican Tattler has a great post. I agree with him. Spammers should be beaten with anything you have at hand.

Note to self: NUKE BERKELEY!

Well, the moonbats have really done it this time. Ok, let m explain it in very simple terms. Hezbollah are terrorists. They deliberately target civilians, they murder hostages and they want the Jews exterminated. Despite what Christ said about loving your enemies, I will never love these barbarians. They are no different from the IRA, the Basque seperatists, or the Tamil Tigers. I say we crush them so badly they never rise again.
Now, about Berkeley. These people have shown time and time again that they have no love for this nation, its people or its allies. They have passed resolutions calling for the impeachment of a president, and other such silliness. They expect the rest of the nation to conform to them. All I can say to them is this: Nuts.
Can Texas pass a resolution calling for Berkeley to be given back to Mexico?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lack of Posting

Sorry for the lack of posting. When I got back from Cincinnati, I had a bout of depression and haven't been feeling like posting. I really hate this disease, it strikes without warning and can really screw you up. Will have a few posts today if I have the time.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Far, Far Away

Sorry for the lack of posting, but I am in Cincinatti until Sunday. While I am gone, check into my good buddy Ed's site. He is a prolific poster and almost as good as I am.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Liberal Lunacy

Was perusing my usual blogs this morning, and came across a good post by LawDog. No matter what Bush does, he is evil and responsible for the evils of the world. Even some libertarians I know seem to think that way. Right Thinking used to be a great site. I disagreed with Lee about a lot, but he was pretty even keeled. That is no longer the case.
Like Andrew Sullivan, he has gotten a bad case of Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS). Now, I am not the biggest fan of Bush. He has done a lot of things that piss me off. But at least he is doing something! Clinton and the rest of the Demo's were content to sit by and let Islamofacists
run wild. Yes, mistakes were made in Iraq, but it is still better than letting that madman run the country.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

One Smart Lady

LaShawn Barber has a great post up on diversity. One thing that struck me was that equality has changed from "equal opportunity" to "equal outcome". This is the sad truth of the USA in these times. People want everything for doing nothing. A culture of entitlement has sprung up in place of individualism and self-reliance. We have people on welfare who are third generation welfare recipients. This goes against every fiber of my being. You want to eat, work. It is that simple.
People think that it is the government's job to provide food and shelter to its citizens. This is not in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. While it does speak of the general welfare, it means something else. Part of Rome's downfall was that the state started to provide the proverbial "bread and circus' " for the indigent, and they came to expect them as a right, not a privilege. This is where we will end up if we don't stop this idiocy.

Another point is that: "Diversity, as defined by leftists, is a skin deep-only mish-mash of false premises based on raising the “self-esteem” of one group and alleviating the guilt of another at the expense of objective truth and to the detriment of us all." I am white and proud of it. Does that mean I hate blacks? Absolutely not. Do I feel guilty over slavery or the way the AmerIndians were treated? Again, absolutely not. I take people as individuals, not as specimens of skin color. I feel no guilt over something that was done centuries before I was born. We are all human beings. We need to get past color and see the person within. People should be judged, for good or ill, by their actions and the "content of their character".

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Greatest Man I Ever Knew

I want to tell you about the greatest man I ever knew. He was born dirt poor in Texas, yet I never heard him complain about it. His father was an alcoholic, and struggled with the bottle for many years. He never said how hard it was to live with that kind of role model and he never said anything bad about the man. He volunteered for the Army in 1942. On June 7, 1944, he set foot in Normandy. He would not see home until 1946. He once told me that during the Battle of the Bulge, he had to piss on his rifle just to get the frost to stop jamming the action.

After his return, he ran the family ranch and raised a family. He turned the ranch into a dairy so support his children, even though he hated the idea of not being a full-time rancher. He ran the dairy until his last child received their college education. In all, six children went to college because of this sacrifice.

He lost two daughters before their time, one when she was a young child, one in her thirties. He never complained or cursed God for the loss. He only spoke about the good times with them.

He worked the ranch until illness made it impossible for him to mount his horse in the morning. He was 84.

He always had time for his children, their spouses, and his grandchildren. He was tough when he had to be, but was never uncaring or cruel. He always treated his wife like a lady, and loved her for over 60 years. He taught them how to ride, how to rope, and how to put in a hard days work.

When he died, his daughter found three Bronze Stars and a Silver Star in his things. He never told anyone. He only mentioned his two Purple Hearts. Unlike some, he saw what he did as nothing special, just looking after his men. He was a humble man, but a powerful one.

He was my grandfather, Charles Vernon Brown. And he passed away a month ago. I miss you Pappy. I will do my best to live the way you taught me and to honor your memory.

Act of War

That is what Israel is calling the abduction of two of its soldiers by the scum of Hezbollah. I can't say I disagree in the slightest. Hezbollah are terrorists, and these kind of tactics are the only thing they know. Why is that? Firstly, every time the Arabs try to engage Israel conventionally, they get their arses handed to them. Secondly, the are cowards. It takes no courage to kidnap a person, nor does it to strap on a bomb and kill women and children in a pizzeria.

Pretty much since the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, Muslim armies have been slaughtered by Western ones. One reason is that the Muslim powers, with the exception of the Turks, maintained the old martial traditions. These are fine things, but against repeating rifles, modern training and discipline and tactical thinking, a wild charge of horsemen will most likely fail. So, when you cannot hope to win a conventional war, what do you do? Turn to terrorism or guerilla tactics. Guerrillas target military objectives. Terrorists target civilians. There are exceptions, of course, and this is one of them.

Hezbollah are terrorist scum. Period. They carry out suicide-bombings, they launch rocket attacks against civilian targets, and they abduct people for ransom. Warriors do not do this. Only cowardly scum do.

Now, what do they hope to gain? No clue here. There are dealing with a nation that has never negotiated with terrorists. Ettenbe, anyone? All this will do is harden Israeli resolve and make things worse for the people Hezbollah claims to represent.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

French Stupidity

No, this isn't a rant about their politics, their lack of hygiene or their delectable yet fattening pastries. I am talking about the World Cup. Zinedine Zidane, one of the greatest French players, went out with a bang. He headbutted an Italian player in the sternum, earning himself a red card and possibly losing the Cup for France. Did he actually think he wouldn't be seen by an official? What a thing to do to your teammates. It was a selfish move, one that may very well have cost France a victory.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Lazy Weekend

Should have posted more this weekend, seeing as I did almost nothing during it. Then again, no one reads this dinky little blog yet anyway, so it really isn't a big deal.
I went to a friend's house to play poker. I lost. Biiiiiiiiiiiig suprise there. The phenomenon of Texas hold 'em fascinates me. A few years ago, very few people had heard of it. All of the sudden, it is huge, and poker players like Chris Ferguson and Doyle Brunson are cultural icons. When did this happen?
Hopefully I will resolve some minor problems I am having in figuring out some of the text for Blogger and have my links up and running soon.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Well, it looks like the Dear Leader is at it again. North Korea has launched several missiles in their attempt to get the rest of the world to take them seriously. Their attempt faltered, however, when most of the missiles failed less than a minute into flight. While this may be considered comical by some, it is no laughing matter.

This was a TEST. This means those Commie rats are working out the kinks in their systems. They will continue these tests until the missiles work, or until they are stopped. And that, I am sad to say, looks doubtful. The world has issued all sorts of strong condemnations, but no real action has been, or likely will be taken. I am now convinced that the world (including the USA) does not have the will to do what is necessary to curtail maniacs and fanatics like Kim Jong-Il and the Iranians.

There is an old Latin saying, "Metus improbos compescit, non clementia." Fear, not kindness, restrains the wicked. The only thing that evil understands is naked, brute strength. I wish we lived in a world where love really did conquer all, where violence was unnecessary (well, maybe not all violence, but you get my point). This is not the case. The world is a cold, dark and brutal place. Period. Sometimes brutality is the only way to stop evil.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Let the games begin!

Howdy all. My handle is Toothpick Johnny and this is my blog. Let me start out by saying that I will try to keep this blog clean, but I make no promises. As the description says, I am a right-winger. I will post on what I want, when I want. Anyone can post, and I won't delete any posts unless they cross the line, in my opinion. And I don't want to hear any free speech crap. This blog is mine, so I have the right to dictate what goes on here. Try to keep it clean and civil, and we should have no problems.