Thursday, July 13, 2006

One Smart Lady

LaShawn Barber has a great post up on diversity. One thing that struck me was that equality has changed from "equal opportunity" to "equal outcome". This is the sad truth of the USA in these times. People want everything for doing nothing. A culture of entitlement has sprung up in place of individualism and self-reliance. We have people on welfare who are third generation welfare recipients. This goes against every fiber of my being. You want to eat, work. It is that simple.
People think that it is the government's job to provide food and shelter to its citizens. This is not in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. While it does speak of the general welfare, it means something else. Part of Rome's downfall was that the state started to provide the proverbial "bread and circus' " for the indigent, and they came to expect them as a right, not a privilege. This is where we will end up if we don't stop this idiocy.

Another point is that: "Diversity, as defined by leftists, is a skin deep-only mish-mash of false premises based on raising the “self-esteem” of one group and alleviating the guilt of another at the expense of objective truth and to the detriment of us all." I am white and proud of it. Does that mean I hate blacks? Absolutely not. Do I feel guilty over slavery or the way the AmerIndians were treated? Again, absolutely not. I take people as individuals, not as specimens of skin color. I feel no guilt over something that was done centuries before I was born. We are all human beings. We need to get past color and see the person within. People should be judged, for good or ill, by their actions and the "content of their character".


Blogger Ed said...

Great article man. I'm sick to death of people promoting diversity for the sake of diversity or for the sake of wrongs done by others. I live an honorable life, I respect those around me without attention to anything other than the "content of their character". Yet I get browbeaten by the "guilty white liberal" simply because I'm a WASP.

8:05 AM  
Blogger e said...

I had to sit through a whole day of diversity brainwashing yesterday for work. I spoke up as much as I could without risking being fired. I posted about it yesterday -- see "Diversity, Schmersity" and some of the post, "Good Friday Morning" at

12:20 PM  

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