Friday, July 14, 2006

Liberal Lunacy

Was perusing my usual blogs this morning, and came across a good post by LawDog. No matter what Bush does, he is evil and responsible for the evils of the world. Even some libertarians I know seem to think that way. Right Thinking used to be a great site. I disagreed with Lee about a lot, but he was pretty even keeled. That is no longer the case.
Like Andrew Sullivan, he has gotten a bad case of Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS). Now, I am not the biggest fan of Bush. He has done a lot of things that piss me off. But at least he is doing something! Clinton and the rest of the Demo's were content to sit by and let Islamofacists
run wild. Yes, mistakes were made in Iraq, but it is still better than letting that madman run the country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LEE, still believes teh war was right, but he very upset that we haven't done better. A He blames Bush for that, in truth some things are his fault, but not all... give Lee time he will come around.

9:21 PM  

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